Saturday, March 14, 2009

world's saviour???

Worlds community has been praiseful after the first black man, Barack Obama, rose the presidents of U.S.A chair last january..
all of them are puting the big hopes that this new black president can bring the changes towards the worlds issues like the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan nor the Invasion of the Zionist Regime in Palestine..
from my point of view, this black president will not bring any changes to this issues... espescially when it comes to the Zionist issues... when someone going to get the title of 'Mr President' of United States of America, they will need to lobby all the Jewish investors of USA. And yet, they also need to approve the invasion of the damn Zionist onto the Palestinian lands as the 'salvation of the Jewish lands'.
if they need to approve this act, how they can brings any changes to the worlds??
My thinking say that, they all the same.. Palestine will always be invade by the fucking Zionist dogs until the end of the time..,.

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