Tuesday, May 12, 2009

blind love or some kind of stupidity???

Do you remember what your parents words to the teacher at first day of school????
i do remember, my father said to the teacher, to teach me in any way suitable, even have to put rattan on me, or even have to lay hand on my body, as long as i'm succeed in my life..
and for sure, almost all the readers' parents, also been thought that way in their school time long time ago... where the teacher are fierceful, and now, they become human....
today, i read a newspaper, telling story about a teacher been sued by a parent of a student who i called stupid spoiled brat. the teacher just punished the boy as he don't finished, and never touch at all the homework given by the teacher. the boy been asked to stand entirely of the teacher class, 1 hour i think, and been given a rattan on his palm.. and then, not too long after that, the parents ambush the school...

yes... this thing happen nowadays.. where parents are more stupid in thinking than their stupid children themselves.. why modern parents are so stupid as they can't think enought??? well, they spoiling they children, and think that their children are perfect and already a human... but i don't think that way, their children just a spoiled stupid brat who just know how to complaint, instead of finding their fault causes the punishment...
well, if any parent read this, and you categorized in this stupid parents, well, think who make you as human today....


  1. well,,lontaran idea yang baik.
    but nhow,ni kes sayang anak terlebih ni,& sumtimes si anak pun jgn mengada2 sgt mengadu semua benda,even yang remeh temeh.as long as mende tu baik tu improve diri kita,juz accept what the teacher's ask to do actually.but da problem nowadays,"xde kesedaran" tu sbnarnya,kurang motivasi diri+ no self independent dlm diri anak tu/student.

    well topeq,
    all da best
    kip da good job!

  2. Biasalh pelajar sekarang bukan saja manja.Diorang nie pun selalu berharap pertolongan orng lain.Pasal parent lak, kadang2x terlampau manjakan anak.Nowadays, kebanyakan ibu bapa bekerja.i think when parent so busy with work diorang tak sempat nak ambil tau hal anak.Then bila anak mengadu,mle la ambil tindakan.Kadang2x tue nak saman orng pun tak kena tempat.Jadi tak leh nak salahkan satu pihak je kan.Dua2x kena ambil peranan.Time change people a lot.Bukan senang bila ada tanggungjawab nie.well topeq,best of luck...
